Order of the Arrow Items – Order of the Arrow (OA for short), is an honor group within the Boy Scouts, where a Scout must be elected by his peers for leadership and integrity. Most OA items aren’t very valuable but some pocket flap patches from short-lived lodges are quite valuable, please Contact Us if you need help establishing the value of your item.
Shoulder Patches – There are many types of shoulder patches, the most common type is a standard Council Patch, others include shoulder patches from Jamborees, and State or Council Patches that are spelled out instead of having the graphics you’ll often see today.
Jamboree Items – One of the most impressive of all Scouting Events is the Jamboree, the National Jamboree is held every four years and is a gathering of Scouts from all over the country. There is also a World Jamboree held for scouts from countries all over the world. Items from these events run the gamut from tents to water bottles, but special Jamboree patches are the only item that are really collected heavily.
Insignia Items – These are items that are worn on the uniform to show a Scout’s accomplishments, there are many types of Insignia you might run across and many of them can be valuable if they are old and rare enough. Some types of Insignia items are: Merit Badges, Rank Badges, Square Knots, Position Badges, and Adult Awards. However, there are still other types that may be encountered. Contact Us for more information.
Other – The Boy Scouts is a large organization and there are hundreds of items that have been produced bearing some affiliation from pocket knives to neckerchiefs to jewelry. These items could be issued by the National BSA, a Regional Office, a Council, District or even for an individual Troop, Pack, Patrol, Den, Etc. Almost all of the items that are affiliated with the Boy Scouts are Collectible, but most will only be worth $5-10, even if they’re from the 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s. There are some items that can sell for $1,000 and up but they are exceedingly rare and for every item like this there are hundreds of thousands of other cheap items you might run into.
For help establishing the age or value of your items please don’t hesitate to Contact Us for assistance.